Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Cat, 2010Sold out - only available as part of the complete boxed set
Mychael BarrattBarbara Hepworth’s Cat, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattHockney's Dog - After the Splash, 2024£560.00
Mychael BarrattHockney’s Dog - Absolutely the Biggest Splash, 2024£560.00
Mychael BarrattHockney’s Dogs - Autumn, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattHockney’s Dogs - Spring, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattHockney’s Dogs - Summer, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattHockney’s Dogs - Winter, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattHokusai’s Dog - Red Fuji, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattHokusai’s Dog - The Great Wave, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattJungle in Paris, After Rousseau, 2024Sold
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Cat - Harmony in Red, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Cat - The Red Studio, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Dogs in Love, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattArtists’ Cats Boxed Set, 2025£4,400.00
Mychael BarrattBasquiat’s Cat, 2025£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Garden , 2025£280.00
Mychael BarrattNorman Ackroyd’s Cat, 2025£280.00
Mychael BarrattVermeer’s Dog, 2025£660.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dog - The Rose Street Foundry, Inverness, 2022£560.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dog - Screen on the Green, 2024£560.00
Mychael BarrattDerek Jarman’s Cat, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattLove Notes and Little Boats, 2024£660.00
Mychael BarrattPoetry in Motion: The Lost Under Milk Wood Manuscript, Soho, 1953, 2024£750.00
Mychael BarrattStik’s Dog, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattSit! Philip Guston’s Dog, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattSpot! Philip Guston’s Dog, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattOnce Upon a Time in London - Morning, 2023£330.00
Mychael BarrattOnce Upon a Time in London - Afternoon, 2023£330.00
Mychael BarrattOnce Upon a Time in London - Evening, 2023£330.00
Mychael BarrattOnce Upon a Time in London - Night, 2023£330.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dog - Canary Wharf, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dog - Mornington Crescent, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattCyril Power’s Dog II, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattNotes from the Underground - Extended, 2023£950.00
Mychael BarrattOn Reflection: The Maiden Voyage of the Roller Skate is Almost Triumphant, Carlisle House, 1765, 2023£750.00
Mychael BarrattMade in London, 2022£950.00
Mychael BarrattYayoi Kusama's Garden, 2023£660.00
Mychael BarrattGuernica at the Whitechapel Gallery, 2023£3,600.00
Mychael BarrattEdward Hopper's Dog, 2023£560.00
Mychael BarrattStanley Green - Protein Man, 2023£950.00
Mychael BarrattDodo, 2023£560.00
Mychael BarrattEric Ravilious's Cat, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattAi Weiwei's Cat II, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattCy Twombly's Cat, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattBauwauhaus, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse's Cat II, 2021£280.00
Mychael BarrattGormley's Cat, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattVermeer's Cat, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattYves Klein's Cats, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dogs - Battersea Power Station, 2022£560.00
Mychael BarrattDodo I, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattAslan, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattAtlas, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattDodo II, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattEmperor I, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattEmperor II, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattJohn Betjeman, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattMr Tumnus , 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattOscar Wilde, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattRadcliffe Camera, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattThe Cheshire Cat, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattThe Mad Hatter, 2022£190.00
Mychael BarrattKäthe Kollwitz's Dog, 2021£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse's Dogs, 2021£280.00
Mychael BarrattFriends, Romans, Countrymen..., 2021£400.00
Mychael BarrattStarry Night, 2021£560.00
Mychael BarrattDungeness - Derek Jarman’s Dog, 2021Sold OutSold
Mychael BarrattDamien Hirst's Dog, 2021£560.00
Mychael BarrattMap of the Chelsea Physic Garden, 2021£350.00
Mychael BarrattThe Soho Altarpiece, 2021£2,900.00
Mychael BarrattEdward Hopper's Dog - Nighthawks, 2021£660.00
Mychael BarrattMagritte's Dogs, 2021£280.00
Mychael BarrattChien Maison - Louise Bourgeois’ Dog, 2021Last available impressions£360.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art - Jermyn Street, 2021£560.00
Mychael BarrattAubrey Beardsley's Dog II, 2020Last available impression£360.00
Mychael BarrattDürer on the South Bank, 2020£430.00
Mychael BarrattLondon Bestiary, 2020£950.00
Mychael BarrattEric Ravilious's Dog II, 2020£280.00
Mychael BarrattWindhond - Rembrandt's Dog III, 2020£280.00
Mychael BarrattAubrey Beardsley's Dog, 2020£280.00
Mychael BarrattSybil Andrews's Dog, 2020£280.00
Mychael BarrattYayoi Kusama's Dog, 2020Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattCindy Sherman's Dog, 2019£280.00
Mychael BarrattThe Serpentine - Autumn, after Bruegel, 2019£560.00
Mychael BarrattGreenwich Park - Spring, after Bruegel, 2019£560.00
Mychael BarrattRichmond Park - Winter, after Bruegel, 2019Last available impression
Sold -
Mychael BarrattPrimrose Hill - Summer, after Bruegel, 2019£560.00
Mychael BarrattBanksy's Dog (Shredded), 2018Last available impressions£780.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art - Cornelia Parker's Breathless Brass Band, 2018£450.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art - My Favourite Things, 2018£450.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art - The Chelsea Arts Club Summer Ball, 2018£450.00
Mychael BarrattLeonardo da Vinci's Dog II, 2018£280.00
Mychael BarrattPicasso's Cat, 2014Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattPicasso's Dog I, 2018£280.00
Mychael BarrattPicasso's Dog II, 2018£280.00
Mychael BarrattGormley's Dog II, 2018Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattA Brief History of Love, 2018£560.00
Mychael BarrattCanada 150, 2017£400.00
Mychael BarrattNew York Map of Days, 2017£950.00
Mychael BarrattSamuel Palmer's Dog, 2017Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattEric Ravilious’s Dog, 2017Last available impressionSold
Mychael BarrattAnish Kapoor's Dog, 2017Last available impression£360.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths IX, Bob Dylan in Crouch End, 2017£350.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art - The Reading Room, 2016£560.00
Mychael BarrattMarcel Duchamp's Dog, 2016Last available impressions£360.00
Mychael BarrattRembrandt’s Dog II, 2016Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art X, 2016£560.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art I, 2016£450.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art VIII, 2015£450.00
Mychael BarrattSweet Thames, 2014Last available copy£950.00
Mychael BarrattOranges and Lemons, 2014£380.00
Mychael BarrattHolbein's Dog, 2014Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattRembrandt’s Dog I, 2014Last available impressionSold
Mychael BarrattDe Kooning’s Dog, 2014Last available impression£360.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art VI, 2014£450.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art VII, 2014£560.00
Mychael BarrattMonopoly I, 2013Last few available copies£560.00
Mychael BarrattMonopoly II, 2013Last few available copies£560.00
Mychael BarrattEdward Hopper’s Dog, 2013Last available impression£360.00
Mychael BarrattLeonardo da Vinci’s Dog, 2013£280.00
Mychael BarrattCole Porter's Dog I, 2012£280.00
Mychael BarrattCole Porter's Dog II, 2012£280.00
Mychael BarrattDali's Dogs, 2012£280.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art V, 2012£560.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art III, 2010£450.00
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art IV, 2010£450.00
Mychael BarrattGormley's Dogs, 2009Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattTracey Emin’s Dog , 2009Last available impressionSold
Mychael BarrattLife Imitating Art II, 2009£450.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse's Dogs, 2006Last few copies available£360.00
Mychael BarrattGiacometti’s Dog, 2005Last available impression£360.00
Mychael BarrattDeath and the Maiden Over£280.00
Mychael BarrattMarriage à la Mode 1, The Meeting£350.00
Mychael BarrattMarriage à la Mode 2, The Wedding£350.00
Mychael BarrattMarriage a la Mode 3, The Imminent Arrival£350.00
Mychael BarrattMarriage a la Mode 4, And then there were three£350.00
Mychael BarrattMarriage a la Mode 5, Surviving Desire£350.00
Mychael BarrattMarriage a la Mode 6, Rekindling the Romance£350.00
Mychael BarrattThe Shoulders of Giants - A Map of Spurs, Quads and Oxford Corners£500.00
Mychael BarrattVan Gogh's Cat, 2007Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattRousseau’s Cat, 2007Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattRousseau's Cat II, 2008Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattAi Weiwei's Cat, 2016£280.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths I - The Protein Man at Smithfield£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths II - Icarus in Rotherhithe£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths III - The Chewing Gum Artist£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths IV - Street Piano in Keystone Crescent£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths V - In Memory of Elephants at King's Cross£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths VI - Infanta de Castilla at Elephant and Castle£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths VII - Horsemen of the Apocalypse at Albert Embankment£350.00
Mychael BarrattUrban Myths VIII - Pilgrimage of the Timbers from The Theatre, Shoreditch, to The Globe, Bankside£350.00