Jason Hicklin
Signed and titled in pencil
Numbered from the edition of 30
Image size: 380 x 280 mm
Paper size: 505 x 395 mm
Please contact the studio on 0207 407 6561 for framing options and prices.
Every print sold comes with a free copy of the accompanying book 'A Common Place', which includes reproductions of all the artworks and poems created for the project
Jason was working with the writer Martin Lee on the Common Place project.

Samdyha, by Martin Lee
This is rare thrill.
To watch this sky
cleave light and dark -
the eternal skirmish
that always goes to night.
Meanwhile feet are
sucked, pulled down,
mould and moulded
by sly sand.
Incoming fresh wave
dapple of whites and greys
full of belief, but,
surprised by land,
I am the twilight beach,
slipping between
implacable rock,
insistent sea.
Being that border.