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Framed example using a different artwork from the show. Please contact the Studio on 0207 407 6561 to purchase this work framed.
Nigel Swift
Untitled 7, 2020
Drypoint with monoprint Signed and dated in pencil Unique Image size: 170 x 210 mm Paper size: 250 x 290 mm Framing starts at £130 for this work, please see...
Drypoint with monoprint
Signed and dated in pencil
Image size: 170 x 210 mm
Paper size: 250 x 290 mm
Framing starts at £130 for this work, please see example of our recommended frame in the image below. This work can be purchased unframed online and delivery within the UK is free. Alternatively, please contact us at the Studio to discuss framing options.