Mychael Barratt
Windhond - Rembrandt's Dog III, 2020£280.00Etching with tea stained gampi chine-collé on paper Signed and titled in pencil Numbered from the edition of 100 Image size: 215 x 220 mm Paper size: 380 x 400...Etching with tea stained gampi chine-collé on paper
Signed and titled in pencil
Numbered from the edition of 100
Image size: 215 x 220 mm
Paper size: 380 x 400 mm
Contact the Studio on 0207 407 6561 for framing options and prices
In 2020 Mychael worked with the writer Jan Dekker on the Common Place project.
Mychael: We've had quite a journey with this project as we met initially on zoom for a whopping 6 hours in three sessions before any drawing or writing properly happened. What we immediately realised we had in common was that we were both immigrants (Jan from Holland and me from Canada) and had Amsterdam, my first port in Europe, in common.
Jan: We both were drawn to Rembrandt's house on Jodenbreestraat, Amsterdam and after we watched a documentary for research purposes, we were intrigued by a study of two greyhounds, listed on the inventory of Rembrandt's possessions when he went bankrupt, but not seen again since.
Mychael: What then happened was that I did some etching and Jan did some writing and we got together physically at a halfway point between our homes in St Pancras Station, right by the platform where the Eurostar trains depart for Amsterdam. We took on board what the other had created and carried on working.Jan: This study by Rembrandt has never been traced by anyone since. Were these greyhounds perhaps really phantoms running from one artist's imagination to the next?
(Dutch). n. Greyhound
Blew in on a breeze from Breughel
Or in their slips from Agincourt
All the way to Amsterdam
Where Rembrandt's mind was waiting
Resting for a moment there
Then taking form in oil
Listed in cold lawyer's ink
A dead-eyed notary's inventory
Spectral strays have slipped their leashes
They've vanished into air
Sniffing out new niches
In minds in want of muses