James Gillray
Hand coloured etching
James GillrayA Peep at Christies; - or - Tally-ho, & his Nimeney-pimmeney taking the Morning Lounge, 1796£495.00
James GillrayA Smoking Club, 1793£650.00
James GillrayA Vestal of 93 - trying on the Cestus of Venus, 1793£495.00
James GillrayA Voluptuary under the horrors of Digestion, 1792£750.00
James GillrayClearing a Five-Bar Gate, 1805£495.00
James GillrayCockney-Sportsman marking Game, 1800£495.00
James GillrayCockney-Sportsmen Shooting Flying, 1800£495.00
James GillrayDelicious Weather, 1808£395.00
James GillrayElements of Skateing - Making the most of a passing friend, in a case of Emergency!, 1805£395.00
James GillrayElements of Skateing - The consequence of going before the Wind, 1805£395.00
James GillrayEnter Cowslip, with a bowl of cream, 1795£395.00
James GillrayFatigues of the Campaign in Flanders, 1793£750.00
James GillrayFighting for the Dunghill - or - Jack Tar settling Buonaparte, 1798£650.00
James GillrayFrying Sprats, 1791£350.00
James GillrayHounds in Full-Cry, 1800£495.00
James GillrayNightly Visitors at St. Anne's Hill, 1798£495.00
James GillrayPatience on a Monument, 1791£450.00
James GillrayPosting in Scotland, 1805£550.00
James GillrayRaw Weather, 1808£395.00
James GillraySad Sloppy Weather, 1808£395.00
James GillrayTemperance - Enjoying a Frugal Meal, 1792£750.00
James GillrayThe Hopes of the Party, prior to July 14th, 1791£750.00
James GillrayThe Injured Count, S-, 1786£650.00
James GillrayThe Lover's Dream, 1795£650.00
James GillrayThe Minister endeavouring to eke out Dr Pr*ty***n's Bisho Prick, 1787£650.00
James GillrayThe Monster going to take his Afternoon's Luncheon, 1790£650.00
James GillrayThe Nursery - with Britannia reposing in Peace, 1802£550.00
James GillrayThe Prophet of The Hebrews, 1795£495.00
James GillrayThe Republican Rattle-Snake fascinating the Bedford Squirrel, 1795£495.00
James GillrayThe Siege of Blenheim - or - the new system of Gunning, discoverd, 1791£650.00
James GillrayToasting Muffins, 1791£350.00
James GillrayTurn fair Clora, turn, ah cruel, turn again, 1792£395.00
JAMES GILLRAY | Political Ravishment: An exhibition of political satire
Past exhibition