Fiona Fouhy | Places of Inbetweenness

15 September - 1 October 2023
"Continuing my fascination with trees and forests for the past five years, I’ve recently gravitated towards a specific biome - that of the rare temperate rainforests of the UK. On past visits to Devon, Cornwall and North Wales I’ve experienced their soft, surreal interiors without realising that this is temperate rainforest.

Robert Macfarlane writes, ‘Unnumbered quests and voyages have taken place through and over the deepwood, and fairy tales and dream-plays have been staged in its glades and copses. Woods have been a place of inbetweenness, somewhere one might slip from one world to another, or one time to a former’.

Landscapes and forests such as these enable the mind to have freer reign, encouraging inventiveness and unfettered creative thought. I delve into these forests, using monoprinting techniques and experimental ink markings that work to animate the imagination and excite personal insights, both in my own mind and hopefully also that of the viewer. There is still plenty for me to explore in this forest and other temperate rainforests along the west coast and this body of work shown feels like the beginning of a journey."


- Fiona Fouhy (2023)