Andrew Marr | Town & Country

Eames Fine Art, 2021
Soft cover exhibition catalogue
Andrew Marr | Town & Country
Publisher: Eames Fine Art
Dimensions: 210 x 210
Pages: 40
£ 20.00

You can view the entire catalogue online here for free by clicking on view sample pages, but we would be delighted if you would like to purchase a hardcopy.


Introductory Essay


We are a garrulous bunch at Eames Fine Art. Followers of the gallery will know that our shows take their place amid a wider programme of talks, Q&As, discussions, film screenings and demonstrations where we try to orchestrate a conversation between artists and collectors. We love an artist with plenty to say. So, welcome Andrew Marr. This should be interesting.


Town and Country gives us much to engage with. Andrew presents us with a sequence of his more recent paintings, arranged into broad categories: nudes, landscapes, still life, conversations. This is mostly conducted in a vibrant abstraction however there is representation here too and some of the more interesting ideas in this show can be found in an enthralling meeting of the two. The signal feature of the show is a profound exploration of colour and the possibilities of texture while Andrew’s evident relish for the ‘stuff’ of painting, the raw materials of his craft is another hugely enjoyable aspect. What is also clear is that this work comes from a fierce commitment. Andrew’s painting is founded on a rigorous daily routine of drawing (the gallery could have been filled twice over by the fruits of his many sketchbooks) and hours in the studio. This has not only honed an acute visual sensitivity but also lends these works the confidence of sheer graft. 


So, Andrew has worked hard to create a visual platform for engaging with the world. These works result from walks in rural Scotland and his neighbourhood in London, robust conversations in pubs, quiet meditations on physicality. There is argument, laughter, beauty, sex. There is also art, or more accurately other artists. Andrew’s pantheon of influences from Henri Matisse, Gillian Ayres and Antony Gormley to Albert Irvin, David Hockney and Patrick Heron can all be found here and speak of decades of looking and learning. There is nothing wrong with this of course. All good artists need to engage with the wider artistic world they inhabit, but some of the most interesting moments here are when a singular artistic voice starts to clear its throat and make itself heard. These moments are evidence of an increasing self-assurance and point to exciting chapters ahead.


The drive, passion and honesty of this show finds a welcome home at Eames Fine Art. These works are an attempt to share ideas, to start a conversation and they are made with wit, generosity, authenticity, and sincerity. Meet them on their own terms and you will find much to enjoy here.


Vincent Eames, June 2021