London Original Print Fair
Somerset House, The Strand, London WC2R 1LA26 - 29 May 2022
Eames Fine Art are delighted to be exhibiting at the London Original Print Fair this month. After 35 years at the Royal Academy of Arts, the London Original Print Fair has moved to a new venue for 2022, and will take place in the elegant galleries at Somerset House on the Strand. You can visit us at Stand 14 in the West Wing.
We will be exhibiting some of the finest examples of printmaking from many of our favourite artists represented across the Eames Fine Art galleries and Print Room. You can view a selection of the works below.
Tickets for the London Original Print Fair 2022 are available through the gallery, please call us on 0207 407 6561 if you would like us to send you one by email.
Howard HodgkinIn an Empty Room, 1990 - 1991Sold
Howard HodgkinA Furnished Room, 1977Sold
Howard HodgkinA Storm, 1977Sold
John HoylandMirage (trial proof in orange), 1986Sold
John Hoyland, Banda Oriental, 1989
John HoylandUntitled (Banda Oriental), 1990POA
John HoylandUntitled, 1990POA
John HoylandUntitled, 1990POA
John HoylandUntitled, 1990POA
John HoylandUntitled , 1990Sold
John HoylandUntitled, 1993Sold
John HoylandUntitled, 1993Sold
Norman AckroydSun and Rain, St. Kilda, 2021Last available impressionSold
Norman AckroydThe Atlantic at Inishkea - Co. Mayo, 2020£1,200.00
Norman AckroydSt Kilda - Morning, 2019£2,000.00
Norman AckroydKilkieran Bay, Co. Galway , 2000Sold
Lucy BainbridgeA Common Place, 2020£300.00
Mychael BarrattMade in London, 2022£950.00
Mychael BarrattThe Soho Altarpiece, 2021£2,900.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse's Dogs, 2021£280.00
Chloé Bocquet10am, 2020Linocut£200.00
Chloé BocquetRed Echo, 2020Drypoint and relief print£200.00
Gail BrodholtSome High, Lonely Tow’r, 2019£850.00
Gail BrodholtStorm Clouds Over Whitehall, 2021£850.00
Gail BrodholtA Night, a Street, a Lamp, 2022£450.00
Gail BrodholtLast Night I Saw the City Breathing, 2022£450.00
Paul CatherallSouthbank Steps Yellow, 2021Last available impressionSold
Paul CatherallChurchill College, 2022Sold
John CrossleySing Song Day, 2021Silkscreen£350.00
Niamh ClancyRain Rain, 2022Sold
Maite CascónThe Shadow Tree I, 2017Etching, aquatint and drypoint£400.00
Maite CascónThe Shadow Tree II, 2017Etching, aquatint and drypoint£400.00
Austin ColeShard and Southwark Bridge, 2013Etching£360.00
Emily CrookshankWhen Tracks Collide, 2020Sold
Emily CrookshankSing from Within, 2021Sold
Blaze CyanWellington Woods II, 2016£395.00
Blaze CyanRichmond Park IV, 2017Unframed price: £325
Framed price: £465Sold -
Amanda DanicicDoorknobs and Watch, 2021£450.00
Amanda DanicicCat and Cactus, 2021£450.00
Amanda DanicicPablo and Sliders, 2020Unframed price: £300
Framed price: £440£300.00 -
Fiona Fouhy, Where Are We Going? I, 2021
Fiona Fouhy, Thanet Skies Study, 2018
Malcolm FranklinTaglio 20, 2018£400.00
Malcolm FranklinTaglio 21, 2019£400.00
Elisabeth FrinkThe Franklin's Tale, 1972£1,950.00
Elisabeth FrinkThe Shipman's Tale, 1972£1,950.00
Míla FürstováDreamscape, 2020£1,350.00
Jake Garfield, Velázquez Study, 2021
Veta GornerCeremony, 2020£290.00
Barbara HepworthFragment, 1971£7,300.00
Barbara HepworthAutumn Shadow, 1969Sold
Barbara Hepworth, Sea Forms, 1969
Jason HicklinThe Thames, 2019£6,000.00
Michael IbbisonLune d'hiver, 2022£550.00
Michael IbbisonThe Lovers, 2022Sold
Karen KeoghThe Windmill on the Hill, 2021£220.00
Karen KeoghTuscan Idyll, 2020£220.00
Anita KleinOak in Winter, 2022Sold
Anita KleinWhite Wine and Olives, 2021£525.00
Anita KleinRain on the Lake, 2020£1,170.00
Anita KleinShoreham, the Seashell, 2016Sold
Sophie LaytonEchoes of Ikebana Through Glass XII, 2021Sold
Sophie LaytonEchoes of Ikebana Through Glass XIII, 2021Sold
Sophie LaytonVessel in an Alcove, 2021Unframed price: £900
Framed price: £1,150£900.00 -
Sophie LaytonStill Life - Willow II, 2019£2,200.00
Ross LovedayFrom the Past, 2021£700.00
Ross LovedayForever Changing, 2021£750.00
Hamish Macaulay, Across the Water, 2022
Hamish Macaulay, Holding Time, 2022
Henri MatissePlate 71. Florilège des Amours de Ronsard , 1948Sold
Henri MatissePlate 79. Florilège des Amours de Ronsard , 1948Sold
Henri MatissePlate 103. Florilège des Amours de Ronsard, 1948Sold
Henri MatissePlate 110. Florilège des Amours de Ronsard, 1948Sold
Joan MiróFrom 'Erik Satie: Poèmes et Chansons' (I), 1969Sold
Joan MiróFrom 'Erik Satie: Poèmes et Chansons' (II), 1969Sold
Joan MiróFrom 'Erik Satie: Poèmes et Chansons' (III), 1969Sold
Tooney PhillipsSoffit Boundary, 2018Sold
Trevor PriceCeltic Sea£620.00
Trevor PriceHepworth's Garden I, 2022£620.00
Trevor PriceHepworth's Garden II, 2022£620.00
Trevor PriceHepworth's Garden III, 2022£620.00
Susie StoneSummer Stripes, 2022Sold
Susie StoneYellow Stripes, 2021£360.00
Nigel SwiftBirds in the Wind, 2020Sold
Nigel SwiftResting Cloud, 2019Reserved
Nigel SwiftUntitled 320, 2019£590.00
Edward Twohig, Super Moon Triptych (iv), 2020
Eleanor May WatsonBetween Six and Seven, 2022Sold
Eleanor May WatsonI Pick at the Fragments, 2022Sold
London Original Print Fair 2022: At Somerset House
Past viewing_room