The ‘Wish You Were Here’ series came from a desire to create a means of artistic production that could mark journeys, exploration, and distance while also serving as a form of visual communication. These works convey both interior and exterior space, as if looking through a window into the landscape outside, which opens up the possibility of the viewer drifting into a different world, or a different thought space, entirely.
These pieces are postcard-sized. The idea of a postcard piece of art - one that someone could slip into their pocket as a memento or send along to a friend or family member that they miss - appealed to John. He started thinking about this concept whilst semi-isolated on the island of Elba during an artist's residency in 2017. This year he decided to revisit the 'postcard' idea and has called these latest works the 'Wish You Were Here' series. Of course, this work took on a particularly poignant meaning with the onslaught of the coronavirus and the new enforced isolation that we are experiencing. His hope is that these postcard-sized works will help art lovers to feel less isolated and connected in more traditional ways to our loved ones. We thought having a new work from this uplifting series would be just what we needed at home now, to remind us of the places we long to visit again and the people we are all connected to.
John explains a bit more about the series, in a short film which he made during lock-down, in a link is below.
The works are all one-off acrylic paintings and each one measures 190 x 140 mm. They are for sale, unframed, from this page but if you would like to discuss framing before purchasing please call us on 0207 407 6561.
We can also arrange to send these works on your behalf to friends and family - or provide you with the packing materials to do that yourself with a message.
To view and download the catalogue for this show please click HERE
Wish You Were Here
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 14th February, 2020£340.00
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 1st May, 2020
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 28th February, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 6th March, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 13th April, 2020Sold
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 16th February, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 27th April, 2020£340.00
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 27th March , 2020
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 30th March, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Saturday 21st March, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Saturday 8th February, 2020Sold
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Sunday 15th March , 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Sunday 19th April, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Sunday 22nd February, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Sunday 8th March, 2020£340.00
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Thursday 19th March, 2020
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Thursday 23rd April, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Thursday 2nd April, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Thursday 9th April, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Tuesday 24th March, 2020£340.00
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Tuesday 3rd March, 2020
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Wednesday 11th March, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 19th June, 2020£420.00
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 26th June , 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 18th May , 2020Sold
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Saturday 23rd May , 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 22nd June, 2020£420.00
John Crossley, Wish You Were here, Portraits of a journey, Sunday 14th June 2020, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Saturday 30th June , 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Thursday 4th June , 2020£340.00
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Tuesday 12th May 2020, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Wednesday 10th June , 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were here, Portraits of a Journey, Wednesday 1st July , 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Wednesday 29th July, 2020Sold
John Crossley, Wish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Sunday 5th July, 2020
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Sunday 12th July, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Monday 20th July, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 17th July, 2020Sold
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Friday 8th May, 2020£340.00
John CrossleyWish You Were Here, Portraits of a Journey, Tuesday 7th July, 2020Sold