Eames Fine Art Gallery
58 Bermondsey Street
London SE1 3UD
Eames Fine Art is delighted to announce a new exhibition of prints and paintings by artist Mychael Barratt. Homage Part II builds on Mychael's 2022 exhibition (Homage Part I) and includes references to artists as diverse as David Hockney, Yves Klein, Henri Matisse and Barbara Hepworth. All works are listed below and available to view in the gallery for the duration of the exhibition.
Also launching during the exhibition is a brand new boxed set of 22 prints Mychael Barratt's Artists' Cats. This collectors' set brings together the complete series of Mychael's artists' cats prints, including new and rare works not previously exhibited. More details, including the full list of works, can be found below or contact the Studio on 0207 407 6561,
Mychael BarrattJungle in Paris, After Rousseau, 2024Sold
Artists are all influenced by the work of those that have preceded them. We have the clear choice of battling against those influences or embracing them. Much of my work practice is the direct result of my consistently and blatantly favouring the latter.
My homages to great artists through portraits of their imagined pets started with Chagall’s Dog in Love, however, I felt that the concept needed at least a couple more examples for it to make sense. I did two more and then the floodgates opened. I have done well in excess of 50 more dogs, but when I decided to pay homage to Henri Rousseau, I had a dilemma - I just couldn’t picture the artist with anything but a cat.
Opening myself to that further possibility has produced this collection of 22 artists’ cats. I have set aside five from every edition I have ever made, plus one of the original copper plates, to create a comprehensive boxed set published by Eames Fine Art in February 2025.
Mychael Barratt, 2025
Artists' Cats
Works are available individually or in the complete boxed set-
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Garden , 2025£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Garden II, 2025Sold out - only available as part of the complete boxed set
Mychael BarrattBasquiat’s Cat, 2025£280.00
Mychael BarrattNorman Ackroyd’s Cat, 2025£280.00
Mychael BarrattBarbara Hepworth’s Cat, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Cat - The Red Studio, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Cat - Harmony in Red, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattDerek Jarman’s Cat, 2024£280.00
Mychael BarrattEric Ravilious's Cat, 2023£280.00
Mychael BarrattYves Klein's Cats, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattCy Twombly's Cat, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattVermeer's Cat, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattGormley's Cat, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattAi Weiwei's Cat II, 2022£280.00
Mychael BarrattMatisse's Cat II, 2021£280.00
Mychael BarrattAi Weiwei's Cat, 2016£280.00
Mychael BarrattPicasso's Cat, 2014Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattYves Klein's Cat, 2013Sold out - only available as part of the complete boxed set
Mychael BarrattMatisse’s Cat, 2010Sold out - only available as part of the complete boxed set
Mychael BarrattRousseau's Cat II, 2008Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattVan Gogh's Cat, 2007Last few available copies£360.00
Mychael BarrattRousseau’s Cat, 2007Last few available copies£360.00
Hokusai's Dog
'I loved the homage to Hokusai’s The Great Wave off Kanagawa that I made previously as a screenprint, but always wanted to recreate it as a woodcut. However, I had to wait until my ability with the technique matched my ambition. My woodcuts are made in quite an unconventional manner as I’ve just used the materials and equipment I have to hand in my studio. So I use oil based etching inks on 100% rag etching paper printed on a Rochat etching press. Printed by Elliot Robinson, this technique requires a week or more between layers to dry adequately so each print takes about a month to complete.' -
Hockney's Dogs - The Four Seasons
'The inspiration for this series was Hockney’s exhibition ‘A Bigger Picture’ at the Royal Academy. His large-scale landscapes based on in situ painting sessions in the Yorkshire countryside were magnificent, playful and joyous. My screenprints are an attempt to capture that same spirit and were created with Suki Hayes-Watkins at The Printblock and done in such an intensive, unbroken period in late 2024, that I almost view the series as a single work.'
Artists' Dogs - recent works
Wes Anderson
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dog - Screen on the Green, 2024£560.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dogs - Battersea Power Station, 2022£560.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson’s Dog - The Rose Street Foundry, Inverness, 2022£560.00
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson's Dog - Page Street, 2020Last few copies availableSold
Mychael BarrattWes Anderson's Dog - Hoover Building II, 2021Last few copies availableSold
Colin Moore, writing about Mychael Barratt's work in 'Printmaking Today', 2023
One of the driving forces for creative experimentation and expanding of techniques has been his popular series of Artist’s dogs and cats. In these prints, scenes are rendered in the style reminiscent of the artists in question with the inclusion of an imagined pet. The effect is charming, often hilarious. The concept and the desire to respect and pay homage to the work of the artists are of paramount importance, so he has had to learn, or even create techniques to keep pace with his imagination. So here we have dogs, cats, humour, and an invitation to celebrate the work of Western Arts’ greatest heroes all conveyed with impeccable technique in a wide range of printmaking media. Brilliant.